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Re: [HOE] scenario format- spoiler


Basicly it involves the posse being hired by a woman to go into an old
research lab that did experiments on animals, to look for the two foraging
groups that have been sealed inside when the quarrentine system locked the
place down.
they get into the place and fight some animals with unusual powers and
it culminates with a battle with a courruptor shamen and his 2 toxic spirits.
the twist is the woman that hired them is a borg from denver that was sent
here to retreive the animals for throckmorten, so he could try to incorperate
them into his army.
Any help on monkey stats would be great.
if you have a website, send me an email address and i will send it to you so
it can be posted.
it should be finished by friday, and any critisism is welcome.