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Re: [HOE] Denver. Spoil me.

well heres the small and short of it.....

If you really AND I MEAN REALLY!!! want to scare the poop outta your 
posse...just flash the book...and give that mean little sadistic marshalls 
laugh when they ask....are you gonna make us go there????? 

that was just well worth it for me...

But heres the lowdown

It details all the history of denver up until the combines takeover and their 

It also gives more light on the the Steel Knights or Robo-Hunters

and also has AN AWESOME ADVENTURE!!!! That any marshall should want to 
puruse...i dont want to say anything because i dont want you ruin your fun 
with you finding out what the adventure is....

hope it gets you salavating....it did for me...lol
