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Re: [HOE] some ideas

--- earthbinder <earthbinder@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> just bought a load of Shadowrun 3rd ed stuff second hand. and was
> interested
> if anyone had done a deadlands conversion on some of the magic and
> cyberware??

Nope, never even crossed my mind.

> BTW anyone on the list know what an Otaku is and where you can find
> them in
> the books (pg references if possible)

An Otaku (from the Japanese, meaning Super Fan for lack of a better
term), an Otaku is a decker who doesn't need a deck to access the
Matrix.  They're the cybershamans of the SR world, and they can be
found in the Matrix 2.0 book, IIRC.  I'm at work now or I'd give you a
page ref, sorry.

-Bryce "chummer" Perry

"Not everything is a labyrinth of dark conspiracy, and not everybody is plotting to decieve, enveigle and obfuscate!"

-Dana Scully, The X Files

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