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RE: [HOE] Double Taps

OK, That makes complete sense.  Thank you very much.

-----Original Message-----
From: matt@fireball.batavia.il.us [mailto:matt@fireball.batavia.il.us]
On Behalf Of Matt Crawford
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 9:02 PM
To: hoe@gamerz.net
Subject: Re: [HOE] Double Taps 

> Hmmm... you're on your own at this point since I think that's just 
> silly. So a semi-automatic with a ROF of 2 can now fire more shots 
> than a submachinegun with a ROF of 3?!? That just ain' right.

I theen you are not getteeng eet, Queeks-draw!

As I read it, you can make two completely separate shootin', location
and damage rolls, *or* you can double-tap and make one shootin' roll, on
which you hope for a raise.

Suppose you've spent three actions drawing a bead with your laser sight,
which would you rather do?

Or suppose you have one blue chip left and taking out the baddie will
save the posse's bacon, but the light is poor and one bullet probably
won't do the job.

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