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Re: [HOE] LC sneak preview

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Stephan Elsner wrote:

> Ok, understood. I´m looking forward to that. Any substitutes for me?
> (trembling)


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Constable" <jconstable@pobox.com>

> I think thats why its a "teaser" - if you want more, you'll have to buy
> it, in the fine traditions of drug dealers everywhere..:-)
> hopefully more teasers will appear in the next full weeks, allowing me to
> have my fix before I can buy the book...

well, you can try rampant speculation; we have the worldstorm being 
generally desctructive, aliens coming through the portal (possibly), 
anouks and deep space.  any more ideas?

 jconstable@pobox.com          http://www.kript.net/deadlands
a member of the "Legion of Rabid Fans(tm)"
"Why are we doing this?
Because a brain in a glass case, in a short meeting, told us to....."