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Re: [HOE] Kids and their size

I assume Kids are size 5 automatically, and become size 6 once they buy off the hindrance. I've also developed a few edges and hindrances exclusivly for Kids I don't have prices worked out yet.
 Not an edge, but still on the size note; I havn't had this situation yet, but I normally would'nt allow a character to become "Brawny" after character creation, but I'd allow Kids to by it up to a year after buying off the Kid hindrance
hmmmm... that brings up another thought... once the Kid has grown up, he doesn't have the cap on his strength and knowledge anymore. But presumably the traits are at what they were as a kid. so that say this person was fully develpoed as a kid. Should a grown up kid get a one time discount on increasing strength and knowledge?


Faith of a Child:

Allows a Kid character to take the following faith related and personally spiritual Arcane Backgrounds such as Anahuac, Blessed, Doomsayer, Elightened, Junker (bit of faith is technology is needed, even if there is no aptitude), Shaman, Voodooist, but not Templar. Not Simon or even Jo would let a kid be a full Templar before they grow up. It also gives the little squirt +2 to all Spirit related Aptitudes.

Boy Genius:

Despite the name, girls can take this too. Allows a Kid character to take the Arcane Backgrounds that involve study and arcane powers such as Huckster, Mad Scientist,  Junker, and Witch. The caps on the kids Strength and Knowledge traits are reversed (maximum Strength is a d8 and maximum Knowledge is a d10).

Tom Boy:

This is only available to girls with the Kid hindrance. All Nimbleness related skills a get +2, as well as a +2 to all Stun and Recovery checks.


Kids with the Bully edge get +2 to overawe and +2 to fightin’: brawlin’

Growth Spurt:

This is like brawny for Kids. They are size 6 while they have the Kid hindrance and have no cap on Stregnth. This is canceled out once the character is no longer kid.

Wild Imagination:

Only Kids can have this edge. They get +2 to guts and smarts checks. On the down side, they are a little more gullible. They get a –2 when trying to scrutinize against someone’s bluff or tale-tellin


Run Away Imagination:

Only Kids can have this hindrance. They are a little gullible. They get a –4 when trying to scrutinize against someone’s bluff or tale-tellin’ as well as –2 to guts in from of an abnormal creature (Maze Dragon, Walkin’ Dead, Werewolf, Mojave Rattler, etc.)
The kid has grown up in a post apocolyptic would. The understand very little about technology and are very afraid of it. Any mechanical abomination (Automtatons, Tin Men, Texas Razor, etc) affect the savage as if the Terror score was one step higher. The effective fear level for a savage is one step higher in the presense of technology she isn't used to. Cars may make her nervous for a while but she will eventuall get over it with experience, however technology she hasn't seen before still frightens her. Good luck getting her to Junkyard.