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Re: [HOE] BEST Villains

> By the way guys, who are the BEST villains you've run?  I'd like to 
> know, especially if any of you were able to really make some of the 
> book bad guys good 'n MEAN.  

My favorite I've run so far was Anubis. I ran an adventure in Armana
where the posse discovers this dark cult that steals people hearts and
weighs them in honor of the Egyptian god of Death, Anubis. They are lead
by a man named  Odep Farul a banshee syker whose specialty is Aztec
Surprise. He doesn't really beleive in the whole Anubis thing, but the
rest of the cult beleives he is the embodiment of Anubis. THat's because
the caught him of guard and tore his heart out. Then he came back, turned
into a bald werewolf, and ripped a bunch of them apart. So he's a
Harrowed Syker Werewolf. He likes being worshipped.


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