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Re: [HOE] New Martyrs for all you Templars! (Long, Possible Spoilers)

Okay, now while I have nothing against a St. O'Malley or St. Sitgreaves
(well, I do have some reservations with Sitgreaves, but I digress), I think
this is going a little too far.  I mean, St. Bruce Campbell?  Patron saint
of what?  B movie acting?  I guess what I'm getting at is if you push this
too far, then you'll have everyone in the game (dead DL PCs included)
becoming saints.  So what do we end up with?  St. Joe the Apathetic?  John
Smith, patron Saint of Brown Nosing?  Come on, let's keep it in perspective.

I guess what I'm saying is maybe there ought to be an outline of what makes
a saint.  What makes a saint today?  Would it apply to HOE? (I doubt it) Why
would say, Sgt. York not be a saint (oh wait, he is....) well,
uh....Hmmm.... Let me get back to this....

Jeff S

-----Original Message-----
From: David R Goecke <mightygecko@juno.com>
To: hoe@gamerz.net <hoe@gamerz.net>
Date: Thursday, July 18, 2002 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [HOE] New Martyrs for all you Templars! (Long, Possible

>Those are great. I really thought makeing O'Mally a Martyr was a great
>idea. Those are all great. Although I can't say I know who Rommel is. I
>made Saint Mustafa Kamal Saint of Mutants, and have been thinking about
>Bruce Cambell, and Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan as the patron of martial
>artists. Thats a tough choice. Bruce Lee is the hardassidol of kung fu,
>but then Jackie Chan is just so cool and campy!
>I also thought about two of histories great civil right leaders, but I'm
>noit sure they would have been so great in the Deadlands world, with
>civil rights advancing so much further than in the real world. Dr. Martin
>Luther King Junior Saint of Peaceful Resistance, and Saint Malcolm X
>Saint of Instigation.
>And what about Saint Lynch's trail mates? Velvet Van Helter and "Bad
>Luck" Betty. And I think that anyone who has finished "The Unity" can
>think of one... Think real hard... Scene 5, p. 34......
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