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[HOE] Re: Unity Spoilers in Lost Colony

  I had a very bad thing happen over GenCon weekend.

  ...he has ruined it for himself by reading the Lost Colony book. AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!


  So, this has happened in our campaign.  Our GM ditched the campaign several years ago in frustration, so I took over.  I ended up buying everything that PEG put out for HoE up to, but not including, The Unity.  I have read everything, except for the adventure in the back of City O' Sin.  I know most of this stuff by memory, better than our former GM, who has now become our present GM.  
  See, he decided to oust me, and take over his campaign again, when he glanced at a few of the books and started feeling the need again.  I made the mistake of having him "co-GM" a twice, and he told a few of the guys in the group all of my plans, and took over (no, I'm not bitter at ALL...).

  So, this is the solution we came up with.  Since I know most of the adventures backwards and forwards, and there's only so much that he can change without altering the module entirely, our compromise was that I made a character that he had quite a bit of say in, so that I'd be useful to him.  What we do is discuss the adventure on the way to the game (we ride together), talking about upcoming stuff, and I'm the "GM's Plant."  I make sure that the adventure gets steered the way it's supposed to go.  I don't ALWAYS remember what's happening next, and he changes things a lot, so I get to have the fun of playing.
  Our GM gets to have the adventure, for the most part, go the way it should, without any massive offshoots, since I get to be "the voice of reason."
  The rest of the players don't know, but it they did, I'd just tell them "Yeah, but since I've read the adventures, I can steer us to all the good junk and away from all the rough encounters!"  Total BS, of course.

  You might wanna try it.  It works pretty well for us.

  - Rebis


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