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Re: [HOE] Re: 2002 Munchie Awards

On Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 02:26  AM, Shawn Willett wrote:

> Howdy, all. Sometime back on the listserv, I don't remember exactly 
> when somebody posted a nifty idea called the Munchie(short version of 
> Munchkin Ha Ha) Awards. They were looking for people to give thier best 
> munchkin awards for the following categories:

One of the two groups I game with gives out a Spammy every year for 
whoever interrupts gaming the most. Since we're all 20-30 year olds with 
at least attempts at lives, and ins ome cases wives, kids, etc. and 
getting together bi-weekly is hard enough, it's a good way to keep 
things moving... I think they've had the same winner for several years 
straight, though...

> Best Actor- The most godawful munchkin character EVER played or created 
> in HOE.

My posse is pretty good... I don't have any real subjects for this... 
One Damocles soldier was close, but he plays his hindrances well and the 
mix of twitchy and flashbacks is a great feature. He hits hard, but then 
tends to wander off.

> Best Supporting Actor-The most godawful munchkin NPC EVER played or 
> created in HOE by a Marshal

I hate the idea of 'GM Characters' in general, but I will admit to being 
guilty of having an ancient marshall artist that had enough fu and syker 
powers to potentially take on the whole party if he wanted.

> Best Effects- I guess a description of the biggest explosion/ best 
> special effect or event in your game.

My favorite is a fight scene in the aforementioned Martial Artist's 
lair. The walls were covered in silks that were then covered with pinned 
up scrolls of the master's former students records. Of course, the posse 
(at least one member, a Templar) was looking for these scrolls to find a 
long-lost family memeber and started the fight by knocking over some of 
the burning candles.

> I just think with everyone shelving HOE for awhile it might be 
> interesting to see what people did with it, Y'know? Or maybe I just 
> need to have less free time on my hands. LOL.

My group, personally, switches between HoE and the Weird West... We're 
wandering Back East at the mokment, but once they get back west, we'll 
probably switch to HoE for a while, as I try to get them ready for Unity.

> Not that I know if this is going anywhere or not, but what the hey, 
> I'll get the ball rolling myself

It's fun, at least.

> Best Actor-I have two nominees. A Vampire junker in a suit of Purgatory 
> armor and a Heavy Can Cyborg Doomsayer

Ourg. The junker better have some serious flaws to make up for things.

> Best Supporting Actor- I used Jo the Templar as my 
> Be-Good-or-the-MEAN-Templar-Lady will get you.

I used a Jo clone once... Not literally, but the strong-willed female 
Templar that could have kicked the party around the block if she wanted.

> Best Effects-I have two nominees. One is Tom our syker using forcefield 
> and then arson to launch himself out of wormling hole like an ICBM. And 
> the other one is Traveller the Doomie knocking over the American Towers 
> in Denver.


> So let me know what you think.
>                                 Peace, Shawn
> "All I want for Christmas is a monster that'll last longer than 3 
> rounds"

Yeah, my biggest problem as a DL marshall is that player characters seem 
to be near-invulnerable or tattered messes of flesh. In my pre-game 
'sermon' this week I'll be mentioning that if you are complaining about 
not getting enough chip, you may just want to take a few light wounds in 
the last big fight, which I generally telegraph pretty well...

As a small note, since you are a Digest reader, please trim your posts! 
Your original was huge (or about the size of some html messages, I 
guess) and not needed. Sorry, just ranting...

MAN? (Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett)