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[HOE] Arcane Background:Road Warrior

I was tossing around ideas for a road warrior arcane background last night,
and i came up with something, aong with a few powers.  here they are.  i'd
like to see what you guys think.

Arcane Background:Road Warrior 3
 Some guys name their car.  Some guys talk to their car.  Your car talks
back, and told you its name.
 Your character, for some reason, decided to hit the bottle of spook juice
that his car runs on.  Suddenly, you start to see lots of weird things, and
one of them's your car's tech spirit.  You probably thought it was you being
drunk, the first couple of times, but now you've become good friends with
your vehicle.  And, as any junker'll tell you, your car only wants to help
you.  By chugging a few pints of spook juice, you're able to get the mojo
going between you and your car, bike, truck, plane, unicycle, or whatever.
 To start being a drunken master, there are a few requirements.  First off,
you can't have any other arcane background.  Next, you need at least a
Drivin' of 3, 'cuase thats where you get your powers.  A chuggin' skill(see
spirit warriors)is also highly reccomended.  Once you've picked out your
powers, choose a vehicle your character owns.  That's the one your hero's
bonded to.  His powers will only work in that vehicle.  He gets one level
worth of any of these powers for every point in drivin' he has.  They work a
lot like templar rewards, the "mega-effect" bing like a greater reward.  the
"pints" is how much spook juice your waster has to drink for the power to
take effect.  One pint won't turn on all your one-pint abilities, though, he
must drink one pint for each ability.  Luckily, he doesn't have to turn them
all on at once.

Effect:For each level of this power taken, the penalty for firing while
driving the road warrior's bonded vehicle is subtracted by -1.
Mega-Effect:The road warrior can use weapons that require both hands and
continue driving.
Power:Dude, where's my car?
Effect:While in his vehicle, all trackin' rolls to follow other vechicles is
made with a +1 bonus for each level in this power.
Mega-Effect:The road warrior knows where his car is at all times.
Power:Jober as a Sudge
Effect:While in his vehicle, the penalty for driving while drunk is reduced
by -1 for each level of this power.  That won't stop him from thinking the
quicksludge pit's a parking space, though.
Mega-Effect:The road warrior suffers no penaltiers for alcohol drunk in his
Effect:For each level of this power taken, while the road warrior is driving
his vehicle, its accelleration is +5 Mph.
Effect:For every level of this power taken, while the road warrior is
driving his vehicle, its top speed is increased by +10 Mph.