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Re: [HOE] Father Ramos site

As another 80's gamer who remembers these times, I think the best solution
right now is the same one that we used then.  Play the games, let other
people know about them and educate them as much as possible on what they
really are.  Ignorance was always the biggest enemy of RPGs.  The average
person didn't know anything about them, and if all they heard was the
wacko's claiming it was evil, they accepted that idea.

I started a gaming group at school where we played openly.  We were able to
show people that we were normal kids having a good time.  Anyone concerned
was invited to watch the game or to talk to us.  We were all good students
who weren't on drugs, vandalizing the school or commiting crimes.  That
convinced many parents that RPGs were a good thing.  Heck my senior year we
had 4 or 5 parents encouraging their kids to join because they wanted them
associating with us.

The worst thing we can do as gamers is start to hide what we are doing or to
get very defensive about gaming.  By being open and showing people what we
are doing, the realities of the hobby will usually win through.  Obviously
there will always be people who don't understand and who run around making
as much noise as possible.  However the dangerous ones are the vast majority
who have no idea what RPGs are, and are willing to believe whatever they are
told.  Make sure they hear good things about the hobby, both from us and
from other people.

Alex Johnson