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Re: [HOE]Cyborgs and AB's

On Sun, 15 Dec 2002 13:55:54 -0600 David R Goecke <mightygecko@juno.com>
> Anyway, I tell my posse:
> 1: Once harrowed you can't learn a new arcane background, but you 
> can still grow in ones you had before death.
> 2: The Spirit fetter prevents any personal contact with the Hunting
> Grounds, rendering any AB's useless.
> 3: I AM DA LAW!

I think option #3 is the best here.  Just because you think a particular
character is too unbalanced for a PC doesn't mean you have to go jumping
through hoops and making up new setting elements to justify why that
character type can't exist at all.  After all, you might want to use a
doomie cyborg as an antagonist at some point in the future.  Don't paint
yourself into that corner; just lay down the law on your posse.

I once played a syker cyborg in a game.  He was an infiltrator with a ton
of psionic powers.  The only combat-oriented enhancement he had was a
Nimbleness booster that bumped him up to a d10.  The character wasn't too
unbalancing in that group, but they were already a tad over the top.

From Whom It May Concern,
Rich Ranallo

"Among the maxims on Lord Naoshige's wall there was this one: 'Matters of
great concern should be treated lightly.'  Master Ittei commented,
'Matters of small concern should be treated seriously.'"