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[HOE] Dark Teller, Details

Dark Teller
All Physical traits, 2D6

K: 3d10
C: 4D12+4
Sp: 5d12
Smrts: 5d10
Mein: 5d12+10

    Skills, Bluff, Ridicule, Scrutinize, Tale Tellin, alll at 6.  

The little boy with him

Physical, all 4d12+8  (See special considerations)
Action card Maxiumum, 7
Size, for damage purposes the little bugger is size 9
AV 6 (Yep, that's right, see special considerations)
Claws. Str+3d8 AP 4

    The Dark Teller has the ability to use 10 'legend chips' for the  purposes
of negating damage, defense checks, etc..  Don't show th PC's this, but use
these things to keep this guy alive while he 'red herrings' the party.	
    The child is big, mean, demonic, and will *never* attack first.  The
Teller's magic is such that he is unable to send the child to kill anyone and
the child can only spring to action is the Dark Teller is under direct attack. 
And even then, he wont act unless the Dark Teller has spent at least 3 of his
legend chips defending himself.  
    the Dark Teller's main defense is a 'red herring'.	Using his chips to
defend himself, once the second one is spent, he laughs, and says the following
(Long winded exposition from a villain is a FREE ACTION, let no one tell you

   "You've no idea what you're up against.  Being the villain, let me tell you.
 I'm not mortal man, but pure evil, only killable by the sword of a storyteller
now ten years dead in the heart of the Phoenix blast crater.  I tell you this
largely because I know, were you to even try to get the blade, the horrors
inhabiting the zone would make your sufferings legendary!"

    Then he'll try to leave.  Hopefully, the party will believe what he says
and let him go.  If they attack further, the child will spring to aid, and
he'll continue to attempt his escape.

     Needless to day, he's lying and quite a few dauntless (but gullible)
heroes have me their fate in Phoenix.  Make sure there is some mechanism to let
the party know that they've been hoodwinked before they've been on the goose
chase too long.   

     TO beat him, you can

1) Kill him the old fashioned way (Thats 45 wounds he'll need with that
demonkid hitting ya all the way though)
2) if you don't try to kill him, he wont try to kill you, but there will
alyways be an 'unbeatable' side danger around that he wants the party to
surrender to or abandon the town to.  Defeat that danger, stand tall, mark the
victory, and then the Dark Teller will disappear.  He can be brought back, and
I'd liek suggestions on a good way to put him down for good (I think Movie Town
would be the best setting for a climax, but I don't know what to do there yet).