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Re: [HOE] Road Warriors adventure/Cement mixer stats

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Zachariasen" <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu>
To: "Deadlands HoE" <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 1:14 AM
Subject: [HOE] Road Warriors adventure/Cement mixer stats

> (spoilers for the adventure in Road Warriors)
> My possee is currently being run through the adventure in the back of Road
> Warriors, and as such they managed to get the keys to the cement mixer
> was being used as a roadblock. Anybody got any idea on what to give this
> thing for stats and special notes? Would it require its own Drivin'
> concentration due to its odd weight balance (I'm figuring yes), or could
> manage to use Drivin': Wheeled for it? What kind of fuel does it take-
> diesel? Also, if it's got dried cement in the drum, how does one get that
> stuff out?
First, the stats could be comprable to the Long Nose Tractor. Fuel: I would
say diesel unless you want to make it tweaked for other fuel consumption
(and the book would consider this "Big Stuff" and says that most run on
diesel).  As for drivin: truck (or rig if you want to make it trucker
specific since that would be comprable as well).  I always thought that
"Wheeled" was kinda broad based since some people have a problem with cars
and trucks. I ran into something similar with my Ice Cream truck, trying to
find stats and just fudging it and using the Van archtype with more armor.
Working the Mixer would be kinda odd.  If they never knew how to operate
one, i would just give them a base Knowledge Roll (7) but allot a -4 penalty
since it isn't something they do everyday.  if they have professional: mason
or trucker, decrease it to something like -2. But have the penalty decrease
the more they use it or if they find a manual.

> What I'd like some advice on is this: the Templar's essentially given a
> man a second chance, allowing him the opportunity to begin to do good in
> world instead of just being the weasel he was in the Hell Riders.
> I'm thinking of awarding him with a Legend Chip for his actions. He's got
> Armor of the Saints at 5, so that would give him the Greater Reward (his
> first). Anybody got any thoughts on this?

As for reward, I don't think it would be quite a Legend since that guy
wasn't a HUGE guy in the Wasted west that found his way.  Probably a Blue
chip and a pat on the back.  now if it was like converting Silas or a LOT of
muties to change sides, then a legend.  I thought there would be a saint's
blessing that could be bestowed but I couldn't seem to find one.  Possibly
Saint Earp since you did keep from killing him and found a solution (though
since that usually refers to large scale problems, I don't know).

Of course, these are merely suggestions.

C M Hylton