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Re: [HOE] Tale-Teller AB (rough draft)

sounds good.  make some more powers and it'd be useful in a game.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Horace Black" <horaceblack@yahoo.com>
To: "HOE list" <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 1:39 PM
Subject: [HOE] Tale-Teller AB (rough draft)

>   This is what I've come up with so far (just this
> morning).  Enjoy.
>                             Horace Black
> Arcane Background: Tale-Teller 3
>   Some people can tell a joke or a story and entertain
> a whole room full of people.  But there are some
> people who speak to the very soul, whose words and
> songs are magical in a sense.  With their stories,
> songs and jokes they can alter the very fabric of the
> universe and change the hearts of men and beast alike.
>  Your hero has that kind of gift and he better use it
> wisely.
>    For every level of Tale-Telling Aptitude you
> possess you know one Yarn.  Yarns are stories, songs,
> jokes that have supernatural effects.
> Yarns may be told by making a successful roll against
> the Yarn's TN, using the Aptitude listed in the yarn.
> TN: This is the number the Tale-Teller needs to roll
> or better to successfully use the yarn.
> Speed: This is how many actions, the yarn takes to
> tell.
> Aptitude: This is the Aptitude the Tale-Teller rolls
> to see if the yarn works or not.
> Duration: This is how long the yarns affect the
> target.
> Yarns
> Battle Cry
> TN: 9
> Speed: 1
> Aptitude: Tale-Telling
> Duration: 1 Round/Tale-Telling level
>    By releasing a battle cry "Remember the Alamo, Viva
> La France, Spoon, etc.", the tale-teller gives a bonus
> to his allies to their attack rolls of +1 per success
> and raise, affecting 1 ally per tale-telling level.
> Inspire Courage
> TN: 5 + Fear level
> Speed: 2
> Aptitude: Tale-Telling
> Duration: 1 Round/Tale-Telling level
>    The tale spinner starts speaking of courage and
> bravery, giving a bonus of +1 to guts checks per
> success and raise, affecting one ally per level of
> Tale-Telling Aptitude.
> One Liner
> TN: Opposed
> Speed: 2
> Aptitude: Performin': Comedy
> Duration: 1 Round/ Performin':
>       Comedy Success and raise
>    So a Rabbi, a Priest and a clown walk into a bar
> and the bartender says "What is this a joke!"  The
> tale spinner is able to use Performin': Comedy to
> cause those who hear his joke to start laughing
> uncontrollably (treat as stunned).  The targets must
> make a Fair (5) Mien roll to resist One Liner. One
> target is affected per level of Performin': Comedy and
> the tale-teller chooses the targets.
> Soothing Song
> TN: 7
> Speed: 2
> Aptitude: Performin': Song
> Duration: 10 minutes/success and raise
>    By using Soothing Song, the singer can stop the
> effects of insanities on a target for the yarns
> duration.  So that things like phobias and the Lunacy
> syker power would be temporally stopped. 
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