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[HOE] (None)

  Merely taking actors and saying "Well, they fought Evil on their off hours"
is a bit of a cop-out.	Yes, it worked for John Wayne, because, Gawsh Darnitt,
this is a Wild Westy game and this is JOHN WAYNE we're talking about.  He was
the rare exception, and not the rule.  

   There are plenty of figures whom you could much more easily adapt to
'fighting the reckoners evil".	John Wayne is not the model for such things,
Elliot Ness, however, would be.   

   The only other actor I would think could be saint-ified is Jimmy Stewart:
Saint of Actors.  

   I suppose my big beef is the idea of taking actors who deal in flash and
illusion, and attempting to mold them into a game about heroism. when actors
are not heroes, even though they may play them on TV.  Is there a shortage of
real heroes?  For every actor you'd suggest, I'm sure there is an actual person
who did things in *real* life who would be most likely to fight the Reckoners. 
If you're going to use real people, make it real people who did real good.  

   Just make 'Stones hit list'.  Who in the 19th and 20th century would you
kill if you wanted to make the world a more evil place?  And you'll have people
who work for real good, and in that work they'd encounter the forces of evil.  

   Guys like Dr. Jonas Salk, I bet Pestilence himself wanted his head on a