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On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Kevin L Stoner wrote:

> First of all I want to say Bravo!! I think these are great
> translations and really keep the feel of the game. I only


> have one small problem with them. The Fleshknit spell is way
> more powerful than it should be. At 1st level a spell should
> never be able to heal more than 1d8 plus the character level,
> unless it has a serious side effect. For instance maybe when
> using the power a syker who suffers brain burn, actually
> inflicts the damage instead of healing it. Or maybe he causes
> a permanent wound (loss of 1d4 permanent hit points) although
> that seems a bit harsh. Anyway as to the rest, they are
> really good. Hope I helped.

Good point.  I tried to pattern fleshknit after the Touch of the
Doomsayers power (since they are so similar in the non-D20 version), but I
think I leaned too much that way and not enough toward Cure Light Wounds
(avail to Templars).  I still like the random dice rolls and DC levels
(without taking syker level into effect since sykers aren't made for
healing :), but I upped the DC and dropped the higher dies.  The new
version is attached below, as well as a version of brain slammer
(with which I'm having a moral crisis trying to decide if it should be 3rd
or 4th level)... let me know what you think


* To give credit where credit is due, note that the        *
* descriptions (i.e., not D20 game statistics) have been   *
* quoted from Brainburners by Steve Long.                  *

Brain Slammer (Syk)
Type: Evocation
Level: 3
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One primary target plus one additional target/level
  (each must be within range of syker)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half
Spell Resistance: Yes
  Sykers who mastered chain brain learned another nifty
trick.  With practice, they could actually bounce their
powers off several minds and pick up a little extra juice in
the process.  The last loser in the chain gets the
collective energy in one massive, brain-bursting flash.
  Brain slammer deals 1d6 points of damage to the primary
target, plus an additional hit point of damage per syker
level.  After this initial strike, the mental blast can
continue on to as many targets as the syker has levels, up
to a maximum of 9 additional targets.  Of course, all of the
targets must be within the spell range in relation to the
syker.  Each attack causes one more die of damage than the
previous so that by the last possible victim in the chain,
the blast causes 10d6 points of damage, plus the additional
damage per level.  If a target in the chain is immune to the
effects of brain slammer, the spell is stopped and cannot
  Since the damage from the first couple of attacks is
fairly small, some unscupulous sykers use their friends to
build up a really good attack.  Dirty pool with a bank shot,
as Sargeant Mather calls it.
  Brain slammer does not function with animal minds or the
minds of the walkin' dead.  It does work with Harrowed
minds, unless the manitou has Dominion.

Fleshknit (Syk)
Type: Conjuration (Healing)
Level: 1
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Target: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
  A syker with this power can take a lickin' and keep on
tickin'.  Fleshknit allows a syker to heal even the most
heinous wounds - even ones that would cause most sawbones to
start cutting him up for parts.
  Fleshknit is mind over matter to the extreme.  The syker
"listens" to the pain coming from one particular part of his
body.  Then he speeds up his metabolism, hastening clotting,
producing white blood cells, killing infection, and knitting
the flesh itself back together.  This requires complete
synchronization of mind and body, so a syker cannot heal
anyone other than himself with fleshknit.
  When attempting to heal himself, the player makes a
Blastin' skill check for his syker.  The DC depends on how
much damage he wants to heal at once.

HP Restored   DC
2d4           17
2d6           20
2d8           23