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Re: [HOE] Playing in the 'Yard [spoiler for my posse]

> > For random stuff that isn't covered by specific rules I usually just
> > pull a card or three out of a deck.  In this case I think I'd pull a
> > card for each 'encounter' and if I pulled a joker she'd pick up ailin'
> > minor.  You might want to throw a vigor check in there somewhere,
> > just to be fair.  If you want to up the danger level, I'd give here
> > minor for a face card and ailin' chronic for a joker.
> Here's another thing I forgot to ask about her business plan: how should I
> determine her success?

Her proffesion: woman of the night aptitude perhaps?  Seriously, streetwise
could work.  It seems sensible to get mien involved too.  So perhaps roll
against her streetwise aptitude using her mien die-type.  Any modifiers for
purty/voice/ugly should also be included.  The fact that she's a syker will
also have some impact.  On the plus side, powers like manipulator could
drastically increase her success.  On the minus side, she's bald.  A success
against a TN of 5 will net her a customer, for each raise the customer she
gets is increasingly wealthy.  Say 50 widgets for a success and 20
additional widgets for each raise.  You'll have to tailor the exact numbers
to the wealth level of your posse.

-Scott Pedersen.