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Re: [HOE] Playing in the 'Yard [spoiler for my posse]

On Friday, January 31, 2003, at 02:37  PM, Scott Pedersen wrote:
> Her proffesion: woman of the night aptitude perhaps?  Seriously, 
> streetwise
> could work.  It seems sensible to get mien involved too.  So perhaps 
> roll
> against her streetwise aptitude using her mien die-type.  Any 
> modifiers for
> purty/voice/ugly should also be included.  The fact that she's a syker 
> will
> also have some impact.  On the plus side, powers like manipulator could
> drastically increase her success.  On the minus side, she's bald.  A 
> success
> against a TN of 5 will net her a customer, for each raise the customer 
> she
> gets is increasingly wealthy.  Say 50 widgets for a success and 20
> additional widgets for each raise.  You'll have to tailor the exact 
> numbers
> to the wealth level of your posse.

heck yes being a syker should effect things... At least in my game, i 
assume sykers are somewhat feared in most places. Junkyard is something 
of an exception, but I'd place them well below faminites and harrowed 
on the list of people not to incite to dinner.

Those numbers might work. I don't remember the beginning of the thread, 
but this is an excellent opportunity to start a new storyline...

* Customer dies during the 'transaction.'Is he carrying a disease? Was 
already woudned? Foul play? Just got way too excited?

* If the character keeps up on it for several weeks, maybe a regular 
'guest' imparts some information of interest to your posse. The 
location of great wealth, or some sykers, or...

* The syker's other hindrances could come into play... If she has an 
enemy, guess who her next customer might be...

Who knows?