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Re: [HOE] Cyberware and Healing

Better late than never.

I also have to agree. If nothing else, this sits on a power stand point. Honestly, how hard is it to find a doomie of a templar (of even the right Junker) to heal the wound. A cyber arm is a pretty powerful thing, and the marshal has to drag the pain out as much as possible.


 mosiondz@shaw.ca wrote:

Recently one of the characters in the game I run had his arm blown off by a Doombringer's Nuke. They ended up going to Junkyard and getting a junker-built cyberarm as a replacement. Under the description of cyberware surgery, it says that you take an automatic (critical?) wound to the affected area which you cannot spend Fate Chips to counter (makes sense). It then says the body needs natural healing to learn to accept the cyber-limb. What do you think would happen if a Templar or Doomsayer tried to magically heal the limb? Would rejection set in, or would it be healed as if natural healing occurred?

At the time I ruled that it would take time for the body to get used to the cyber-limb through natural healing, so using magical healing would just cause the cyberlimb to be rejected since it's essentially a "foreign substance". I said I'd poll the listserver for further opinions from other Marshals, so let me know what you think.
Randy Mosiondz | mosiondz@shaw.ca | ICQ 2585758

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