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Re: [HOE] Interesting Character Concept..

--- Joey Fanning <wraith530@comcast.net> wrote:
> Thanks!  Well, here's something you might find
> funny...the script for the
> commercial for "cole ballad:nemesis of evil"
> (cue patriotic-sounding music)
> Announcer:Every few years...
> A movie comes along.
> This is that movie.
> (cue fake battle SFX)
> He started out as a confederate commander...
> But became a hero.
> Again, I mean.
> (terminator stomping sounds, meow)
> Little girl:he's got my kitty!
> Automaton(using fake computer
> voice):Will..destroy..kitten...
> Cole:Not if I can help it!
> (shooting SFX, followed by explosion)
> Cole:Here's your kitty, miss.
> Kitten:meow!
> Girl:Thank you!  I love you, mister Ballad!
> Announcer:Cole Ballad is Cole Ballad in..
> Cole Ballad: Nemesis of Evil.
> Coming this September to a dataslug near you.
Um, right. That was just plain weird.

I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress.
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