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Re: [HOE] starting a Templar branch on Banshee

On Sat, 26 Apr 2003 17:59:17 -0400 "c m hylton" <cmhylton@earthlink.net>
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "David R Goecke" <mightygecko@juno.com>
> To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
> Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 3:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [HOE] starting a Templar branch on Banshee
> >
> > On Sat, 26 Apr 2003 01:10:30 -0400 "c m hylton" 
> <cmhylton@earthlink.net>
> > writes:
> > > S
> > > p
> > > o
> > > i
> > > l
> > > e
> > > r
> > >
> > > S
> > > p
> > > a
> > > c
> > > e
> > >
> Well, that is true.  However, lets say that the Unity was more 
> durable than
> most ships due to the portal, however I hafta wonder if it crashed 
> and
> spread debris over large expanse.   I think they left the location 
> of the
> Portal deliberately ambiguous due to this fact. Put it anywhere.  We 
> know
> that the only fact is the Reckoners are on Two.  That was the only 
> concrete
> info.  So, looking at the map, it appears that the ship went from 
> West to
> East, debris could have scattered throughout several posibilities.  
> I am
> figuring that the Reckoners were in the center of Two, the box 
> landed in
> Death Valley, and the rest of ship (crew and such) land on 
> SouthWestern
> coast of One, possibly on the Trail of Spears.
> Of course, its fairly ambiguous since there isn't a "Devil's Tower" 
> on
> Banshee (though it looks kinda like one may be on the Windward 
> Islands).

but the Reckoners box is with the posse, wherever they land. they wake up
to see the box all popped open like a puzzle. I'm pretty the sure the
Reckoners are going to get out once landed, and artn't going to tryand
bail out while still high in the atmosphere and hope they land some where
that they can hide out. With some toling of the final narrative, the
posse could land anywhere but if they don't land with the box and find it
empty right away they'll be left wondering what happened to the
Reckoners. did they burn up in the atmosphere? did they sink to the
bottom of the ocean in their little box ("Phenomeanal cosmic power!!!
itty-bitty living space...")? 

From the final narrative and desciption of the Hell Hole the box, the
posse, and the Hell Hole all land in the same area. Whether you put them
on One or Two, it's of course  up to the marshal, since we have no
offical ruling. Personally, if the Reckoners were weakened enough to be
trapped in a little box and are weakend by Banshee her self, i think the
Horsemen need to hoof it from the crash site, unless you want to say they
used the last bit of their major energy to trasport them from one
continent to the other.


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