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[HOE] Goodbye

Just wanted to shock you a bit. ;)

The web is updated with a BUNCH of free stuff and some exciting news.

First, the goodbye part. I'll be signing off the listserves in a few days. Why, you ask? Because I hope to see you all at the much more manageable BRAND NEW PINNACLE FORUM! Woohoo! I respect your time and don't want to clog your inbox any longer. Now you can participate in our cool little games at your own pace. Check out the web page and follow the link for all the details!

It's in my opening message on the forum, but I'm asking for a favor here. PLEASE help me keep the forums as wonderful and friendly as our lists have been. If a few trolls show up, let's ignore them. If flame wars start, please try and stay out of them. I *DO* plan on being fairly heavy-handed on our forums, not because I'm afraid of any criticism--I'll happily take constructive criticism--but because angry people kill my enthusiasm for this often frustrating industry and make me want to go flip burgers instead (I mean, the money's better anyway, right?) ;)


Perhaps just as cool is the answer to the LOADS of email I get every week about writing for Pinnacle. Introducing Savage Tales AND the official Pinnacle magazine, Games Unplugged! We've got a fantastic professional editor, Simon Lucas (formerly of Round Table Productions) in charge of these two new undertakings, and he's ready, willing, and able to take your submissions. We produce ST in-house, of course, and Games Unplugged features all the different companies distributed by our friends at Fast Forward Entertainment. Check out the site for all the yummy details!

The Troop Builder is updated as well! Thanks to John Hopler for keeping up with it and working out the kinks!

We also have new character sheets by the incredible Cheyenne Wright and the updated D20 conversion for Savage Worlds--short AND sweet!

That's it. Back to the salt mines for us!

Next week, an Evernight preview and an all-new FREE Savage Worlds fantasy adventure, Dungeon Crawl (not what you think!)

Shane Hensley