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RE: [HOE] Coup questions

>Just wanted to emphasize this.  The manitou has access to all the same
>supernatural powers it grants, the same as the character.  So your huckster
>isn't going to gain squat by trying to use Supernatural Trait to get an edge
>on his manitou because its Spirit goes up as well.  Only if he raises it
>"naturally" is he going to get any edge in the fight for Dominion.

Ok, this brings up another point.  One of our other Harrowed has 3d4
Spirit, and his Manitou drew for "one level higher than yours", so he rolls
4d4.  That one's going back and forth constantly.  When the PC raises
Spirit to 3d6 or 4d4, what happens to the Manitou?  What happens to the
number of Dominion points?