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[pbmserv-dev] RE: The "debate" over graphics


I was away when the debate started, but I hope I am not too late.

Generating graphics is not really a difficult task at all.
I favor "fly" wich is a GD library (www.boutell.com) front-end.
It take a text input and build a graphic file (GIF) based on basic command.
One of the feature is to read a GIF and write it somewhere into another one.

If we use a technique similar to the one used by Zillions
it is easy to draw Pieces on a background Board graphics.
Transparency is a must of course.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Richard Rognlie [mailto:rrognlie@gamerz.net]
>Sent: lundi 2 avril 2001 16:09
>To: pbmserv-users@gamerz.net; pbmserv-dev@gamerz.net
>Subject: The "debate" over graphics

>Can we create similar programs/formats for other games, sure.  
>"Programmers... start your editors!"

That's obviously a elegant solution.

May I ask if it would be possible to have an option to let a game
always display the full history of the game.
That way we could make program that take as input
the list of all moves.

Or maybe an option to receave a copy of the persistant storage of the game
However this require to be carefull with game using hiden information.

>I suspect this is way off the track of normal pbmserv-users.  So, I'm
>setting the Reply-To to pbmserv-dev@gamerz.net for the continuation of
>this tread.  If you want to contribute onlist, please subscribe to that
>list (if you're not already) before sending.

Great, first time I heard about pbmserv-dev...
But since I am writing my second PBeM game now, I should have known.