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Re: [pbmserv-dev] Cathedral

>Is there any way to get data on historical games (I
>wanted to see what percentage were won by Player1 and
>Player 2). 

Gal-on Broner was running a pbmserv archive service.  I enclose
a message from 2002 (hope he's still in business).

A REALLY valuable archive service would be to archive the internal
game files of completed games.

- Scott

Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:37:28 BST
From:    bgalon@amanet.co.il
Subject: FW: Archive Update

Archive Update done. This week we are plan on start archiving all new game
types added to the server in the last year or so. We also restarted
archiving some games that stop archiving because of unknown reasons....
(Chess for example.)

Enjoy the archive at: http://northumbria.tripod.com/
Under the archive section.

Any question email me at bgalon@amanet.co.il

Gal-on Broner.