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Re: [pbmserv-dev] Anyone want to program?

--- Cameron Browne <cameronb@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> If you can explain the rules for your Life variant
> (and a suitable name for 
> it) I can tell you how difficult it would be to
> adapt and whether I'm 
> interested.

At its simplest, here's the idea. I didn't put
specific numbers, because that would be worked out
with board size and such.

No neutral cells. Player has a set number of cells
which they place during the course of the game. Some
flexibility would probably be useful in the number of
cells they place.

Last cell standing wins. Or, if all cells are stable,
the player with the most cells. 

I'm thinking maybe 50 cells total, using 3-5 cells
each turn. And maybe more on the first turn to kick
things off. That will mean 16-17 turns maximum before
the game just cycles to an end.

Still interested? 


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