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Re: [pbmserv-dev] userids

Actually, it appears to be my brother. I have no idea what that is.

You can probably delete it. He doesn't play here any more.

Richard Rognlie wrote:
It's an archive that Ted Rathkopf maintains (apparently)


On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 01:25:32AM -0700, Douglas Zander wrote:
Hello, I was just wondering if there is a way to determine who a particular userid is. I don't neccessarily want their email address, I just want to know who it is. The userid in question is "watcher", the userid that is automatically subscribed to all the ToW boards. Is this an archive program? Who is this person? Who is in control of "watcher"? Does "watcher" see all the comments that are written during the game? Oh-oh! :-(

Douglas Zander

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