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RE: Broadcast from andidi via PBM Server

> In this game, the situation is illegal. Player 2 had to play 7C
> in move #6. How is it possible that server couldn't detect it?
> Going on the game is very stranger now
> >   Player 1          Player 2          Player 3          Player 4
> >    1 ->              2 ->              3 ->              4 ->
> >    5 2C              6 JH              7 4C              8 AC
> >    9 --             10 --             11 --             12 10S
> >   13 JS             14 7C

I don't play Hearts on this server (yet!), but I'm assuming the game being
referred to above is Hearts.  In any case, aren't there two problems here?
One, as andidi points out is that Player 2 had to play clubs if they had
them, but two, isn't it illegal to play points on the first turn? (unless
all you have in your hand are points, if I understand the rules


Grey (gadrane)