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Little Golem

I am always happy to hear about new outlets for my
game playing addiction.  However, I wanted to take the
opportunity to express that while I am not a
one-server person (although I haven't tried Little
Golem yet), I don't anticipate ever abandoning Gamerz.

My first reason would be the vast range of games
available and the rate at which games are added. 
Furthermore, while gamerz certainly owes a huge debt
to Richard, one of the great strengths is the large
number of developers who contribute.  I think the last
email brings up a good example.  I have often seen
similar discrepancies in game rules resolved here ina 
matter of days once pointed out (simply because there
are enough people to do it).

Another reaosn is the wealth of functions available. 
I have been on other servers on which I needed the
equivalent of a "showas" or wanted to be able to use a
"submit" command to find that nothing of the sort has
been implemented.

Personally, I divide game sinto those for which the
ascii board is 100% acceptable (Quoridor and Cathedral
come to mind) and those for which there are viable
alternatives via linked websites and/or helper
applications (such as Trax and Accasta).  My one wish
if Gamerz takes a leap into HTML would be some hot
links that pop up mailto windows pre formatted as:

game move ### lyman password



PS I am happy that nobody (so far) has suggested
censorship, but seeing as how this mailing list is
part of gamerz I would think that courtesy would
dictate that mentions of other servers should be
encapsulated as "too" rather than "instead" :-).  I
know that suggestions of new features are always
welcome especially among those willing to chip in to
make them happen!