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Re: [pbmserv] Broadcast from greuel via PBM Server

> If I recall correctly, the doubling cube can be used in the the 7 
> point BG tournament.
> I've never used it, but how the hell does it work?
> Manual says that you must call a doubling before you throw the 
> dice, but my only chance would be to call it when it's my 
> opponent's turn. When I do that, I get the error "It's not your 
> move". Which is true. 
> So when can I double?

You can double before you roll the dice.  However, it is "normal"
to automatically roll the dice on your turn.  So, you need to turn on
"manual" mode which gives you a change to "double" or "roll" when it it
your turn.

    Subject: backgammon move BOARD USERID PASSWORD manual

toggles the manual bit.  If you are in manual mode, and you control the
cube (or noone does) you will get a chance to

    Subject: backgammon move BOARD USERID PASSWORD double
    Subject: backgammon move BOARD USERID PASSWORD roll

If your opponent offers you a double, you can decline the double by
"resign"ing.  Or you accept the double by "roll"ing

If the manual bit is "ok" and you don't control the cube, you will
automatically roll (as you do normally).

 /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Oracle Prophet / Gamerz.NET Lackey
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 /  \__/ | The past is the future
 \__/    |                  Nobody expects the spammish inquisition