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[pbmserv] Challenges wanted

I've decided to return to the pbem-server after a (very) long hiatus, and am looking for challenges in the following games:

amazons limit 10 - average
breakthrough limit 6 - novice
epaminondas limit 2 - beginner
hex limit 4 - novice
twixt limit 4 - novice
zertz limit 6 - novice
draughts limit 4 - beginner
tanbo limit 4 - beginner
unlur limit 2 - beginner
yinsh limit 10 - novice

My user-id at the pbem-server is: unic


-------------------------|  \ _,           "Search for the unicorn in
   Ola Mikael Hansson    |   /*.\___        your heart, believe - and you
-------------------------|   ` ( __ )\      shall find true beauty!"
  unic@df.lth.se         |     (l  (l '