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Re: [pbmserv] popularity of games

Actually, nice serendipity (synchronicity?) that this issue comes up now. About a year ago (my how time flies) I released an initial version of a web site that would display statistics about the games on Richard's server (player ratings, number of games played, etc.) and several of you sent me some good feedback.

Well, I've finally had some time to revise things and am pretty close to releasing the new version. I've completely reworked how the statistics are compiled and have something that I think is a little more robust. One thing I would like is to include info about as much past history as possible (i.e. as many game records from completed games as possible). Given Richard's post (and my personal bias :) I think I'll start out ignoring backgammon.

Anyway, let me know if you want more details or want me to keep you up to date (we can do this off-list) and I'll send out an announcement when I'm ready for the unveiling.
