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[pbmserv] New games to try.

Hi all.

I am looking for partners to play a number of games that are currently
NOT on the server.  This means we would have to play by private email.

I have a couple of friends with whom I make and test new abstract games,
a small few of which eventually make it to the server.  At the moment
I'm playing a daily email of 12 or so of these, which have been honed
to the point where they seem to be maximally interesting for serious
abstract gamers.  However, new players are always welcome, they may
often find hidden flaws, in either the rules, or in the strategies.

So, if you feel like you would be happy to play, say, somewhere between
4 and 10 of these new games, please let me know.

My email is     W.Taylor@math.canterbury.ac.nz

(I am kiwibill on the server.)

As to the games themselves:-    some are chess variants;   some are
standard games with a "progressive" (1,2,3,4...) or "slow progressive"
(1,2,2,2,3,4,4,4,5,6,6,6...) modifier, or just multimove (1,3,4,4,4,4...),
for which we usually add on some restriction to prevent simple-minded
move series all by one piece;     and some are completely new games
invented by my partners or myself.

If you decide you might like to try such a private series, email me,
along with what might be your favourite game types from the brief
descriptions above, and saying how many games (to start with)
you might like to include in each daily email.

My partners and I have had a LOT of fun with some of these games!
