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Re: [PyrNet-L] Why ask why?

In a message dated 98-03-03 22:40:12 EST, you write:

<< Linda,
 Thank you for wording so well, what I felt.  Who are these self righteous
 people that think that only a purebred can be a dog. >>

I think you guys took a wrong turn somewhere.  I did not see anyone say "none
pure bred dog was not a dog", or even that they could not be a wonderful dog,
etc.  This must come from your sensitivity.  I took Cathryn's reference was a
reference too all those breedings that result in pups that were not wanted or
needed by anyone.  Those unwanted pups/dogs that place a burden financially
and emotionally on us all and except for the very few that miraculously find
that wonderful home and make you ever so happy, cause problems for themselves
and everyone else.  I think we should ask the question, "is all the suffering
and tragedy worth having that wonderful mixed breed dog that we love very
much"?  How many out of every thousand end up this well?  The breedings that
resulted in much suffering for the poor unfortunate pups and Dam as well.
Certainly a tragedy.  This really tugs at my heart strings.  So why should it
happen?  We all know it should not.

So unless you know the poster much better than I and know the poster to be a
self righteous person that thinks that only a purebred can be a dog, then I
suggest you might have missed the point of what was said.  You might not have
liked the unemotional tone of the very clearly thought out and expressed post,
but I think it was a valid point and worth considering.  I think the poster
documented their concern for dogs and not just pure bred dogs.  The posters
post told me they resented the emotional blackmail from such a fictional
account and felt it manipulative in nature.  They apparently did not like to
be manipulated.  Some of the rest of us got immense enjoyment from it.  All
those completely different responses are valid.  I did not see any snobbery or
dismissal of mixed breed dogs. IMHO.
