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Re: [PYRNET-L] RE: [PyrNet-L] - how to stop male pyr from marking yard items

It is my impression that once a male has begun to lift his leg to urinate &
mark territory, that even if neutered, he will still continue to do so. Also
that if you neuter a male before he has begun to lift his leg, that then he
May not ever lift his leg to urinate. He will likely still mark territory, but
in squatting position. It's possible he may still LEARN to lift a leg even if
neutered before he ever did, by watching other males. Peer pressure!! This has
been my experience, anyway with owning 4 males neutered at different ages and
from talking with others.  Others may have had other experiences. 
   I'd think maybe it may have more to do with the dog being jealous of the
child whose toys he's marking. Or mad:  We have had pets "mark" our
possessions before: upon our return after we'd  gone on vacation & hadn't
taken them!