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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re:Why ask why

>I see nothing wrong with Adrienne posting the poem. 

It might have been lost in all the words, but I said have no wish to keep
people from posting things they find pertinant. I merely wished to present
my objections to it, and let others form their own opinions. Some people
have never heard that side of the story before.

 She let us know
>ahead of time that it may be objectionable, and she left it to us to
>draw our own conclusions.  She didn't editiorize it for us, she assumed
>that we were intellegent human beings that had our own facilities to
>read and determine what we felt about it.  

It doesn't matter if we are intelligent or kind ---critical thinking
requires a healthy amount of cultivation. I am not encouraging cynicism but
we are all so tired from our daily lives and have so much information
funneled through us in any given day that it is hard to have the energy or
time to care to dissect things that we might otherwise. 

I certainly did not mean to insult anyone's intelligence.

Enough philosiphizing,