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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat: Prayers

>  I have just heard some awful news and would like everyone to take a
> moment of
>  silence for the fifty out of fifty-three puppies, which were being
> transported
>  to...YES...PET SHOPS, by truck.  Apparently this happened in
> Connecticut and
>  was caused by propane heaters keeping these poor guys warm.
>  It makes me sick.
>  Teri,
> This is awful, awful news indeed. Thank God there are three left
> alive! Can you imagine how terribly trumatized the remaining three
> puppies will probably be?  I do hope and pray, that the survivers will
> find the very best of homes. Perhap's this disgusting incident, will
> recieve enough media coverage, to get more people involved in changing
> the laws and regulation's (or lack there of ),  that allow such a
> thing to occur.  I just called Maine's ABC affiliate, WMTW, in
> Portland. I asked them if they could give this story a lot of
> coverage. They told me that this happened a couple of day's ago. It
> was on national new station's. Apparently, it was covered the most by
> Fox TV. I guess that I must have missed it. Does anyone know of a news
> site where we could learn more about the disaster? I am very
> interested, as to where the 3 puppies have gone to. Where they came
> from and where they specifically, were heading to in Connecticut, in
> the first place.   Judith        PS. A moment of silence was taken, by
> my husband & I.