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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyr puppy wanted

This question was asked by Tarabasque (Sharon): 
< "Why would you sell a pyr puppy for $200? The types of people I find that
usually buy puppies at these prices are usually places where the dog is
neglected, or worse. They end up in shelters for all of us to rescue." >

   Feel that is an UNFAIR & UNKIND GENERALIZATION!!! Furthermore I'd like to
give one possible answer to that question that has nothing to do with the dark
scenario she painted & the generalizations made.
   It is this: 
That maybe they are NOT in it for the MONEY!  We got our pyr puppy from a
wonderful family that merely wanted their 2 yr. old female to have one litter
before they spayed her. They are also a 4-H family. The amount they charged
was to cover first vet check & shots, worming, & neutering. That's it. (& the
amount they asked for was quite a bit LESS than $200!) They made sure the pups
went to loving homes & many of us who have the pups keep in constant touch
with both the sire, dam, owners of them, and puppy littermates & owners. Many
of us have said that we want to know if ever there is a problem with one of
them. At least three of us that I know of, from just talking today on net,
have said we would take in a littermate of our pup, if need arose. (In fact I
just heard one did just take in a rescue pyr the other day. Not one of our
litter, though. It is a much older one.)
    I'm very thankful that we were able to get Albert & now can't picture our
life without a pyr in it!  I'd lost my last Newfoundland ten mos. earlier &
had been dogless since then & looking for a similar dog. We'd also been
without a 2nd income in the family for 4 mos. & were not in a position to
spend thousands on a dog. Dogs are a big enough financial committment: vet
bills, shots, assorted treatments, equipment, supplies, etc. Without having to
be tapped out financially to just purchase the dog. Feel we are very deserving
dog & pet owners & very responsible ones. We have volunteered at a wildlife
rescue center & know all too well the problems involved with rescue. (Try
bottle feeding about 50 fawns, dropper feeding a litter of 3"possums, feeding
a beaver with his jaw wired together, taking care of a Roosevelt Elk , about
40 raccoons, lots of bunnies,  foxes, & and especially prickly problem: a
porcupine - all in one day! Then go home to care for assorted farm animals &
domestic pets, many of whom are rescues, too.!!!) We've been there!
   Anyway don't feel we deserve the comments made.
   We are currently planning a family reunion of all the pups & parents &
owners for this summer! Can't wait!
   Many of us are in daily contact either in private Great Pyrenees chat room
I co-host, or by e-mail, or IM, or phone. I know I & my pup usually visit some
of the pups or parents at least every 2 weeks. Sometimes more often.
   I have lots of photos & videos of them, too. I'm as bad as a new parent or
grandparent! Bragging & showing him/them off! These dogs are wonderful loving
companions to us and we are totally devoted to them. 
   So PLEASE don't generalize like that! None of us or the owners of the
parents deserve to be put in the same category with someone who would abandon
or abuse any animal!!! Just because someone doesn't want to charge thousands
of dollars for a pup, doesn't mean they are irresponsible, or deserving of
put-downs and unkind generalizations. It may just mean they are in it for love
& not concerned with the money aspect of it. Every one of the pups got placed
& they could have placed more, if they'd have had more. I'm very thankful that
I was able to get a sweet lovable pooch whether or not I had a thousand bucks
to spend. I'm also very thankful for the support of the owners of the sire &
dam & fellow owners of the littermates. Great group of people!