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[PyrNet-L] Testing

Patti and Mitzi,
	Thank you for your advice, I've kind of wondered what was ment by " this
dog has been temperment tested". What happens to the fighter, or the ones
who don't want their feet messed with? Opps, by fighter, I mean the one who
doesn't just lie there. 
	In an earlier post I refered to some "softer dispositions". I did not mean
scared, or flighty. I can only go by the Aussies, who we have had for years
before the Pyrs. A dyed-in-the-wool herd dog does not always make the best
companion for a family. They not only want to work, but they can be a bit
nippy. (trying to herd children, nipping the heels if need be). There are
some lines that go to the herding trails and do very good on the ducks, etc
but might not have the extreme drive to make a good working ranch dog.
These dogs still have a high energy level, and a great desire to please,
but do make good pets and companions. They still have the instincts, but
are not "hard and fast", they might even be considered "quitters" in
bringing in a "range bull". I don't know if that type of thing is or can
happen with the Pyr, but if it can I think that in this day and age it
might not be such a bad thing. 
	Sharon and the mud puppies