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[PyrNet-L] Rescue, Chat: Rescuer's Morning Prayer

Dear List,
   I was thinking that maybe someone somewhere needed away to start the
day. I believe this almost says it all!!

      Dear Lord

So far today, God
I've done alright.
I haven't gossiped,
haven't lost my temper,
haven't been mean, 
haven't been grumpy,
haven't had nasty or evil thoughts, 
nor have I told anyone what I think of them.
I'm really glad and feel good about that.
But in a few minutes..., 
God, ...
I'm going to get out of bed,
and from then on...
Well let's say I'm going to need all the help I can get.
   Given to me by a dear friend. Modified a little by me. Hahaha
Take Care!!  

		     Mark A. Welsch
		       Lincoln, NE