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Re: [PyrNet-L] the power of pyrs

Here's sort of a "twist" on that story which would of won us a prize on
AFV if we had gotten it on video. We were staying in Owego,NY after a
show in late June at the Celtic Lodge, which was a group of small
individual bungalows. I was sitting out front of our bungalow in one of
those old steel tube lawn chairs (from the 60's) with the solid metal
back and seat. They were made at the same plant that used to make army
tanks for WWII. My wife was three bungalows away looking at some St.
Bernard puppies. Alex (our pyr) was sleeping on the grass next to me. It
was starting to get dark and the mosquitos were getting active. I
thought I could tie Alex's leash  to the chair and quickly slip inside
to put on some long pants. In a matter of seconds I heard this clanging
noise and looked out the window to see Alex running across the yard with
the chair rolling behind him like a tumbleweed, and he's looking behind
him like the chair's chasing him!  Just then the lease slips off the
chair and it continues rolling for about 100 yds until it smashes into a
mobile home behind the bungalows, just missing the propane tank which
probably would of "blown us up...real good".