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[PyrNet-L] Head - looks can be deceiving

Hello all!

With all this talk about heads - I just wanted to add this into the loop.
I received two show pictures from my boys wins on two different days with
two different people holding him.

His head and overall look of expression appear different each day.   It is
the way the one handler has him held up.    You can see the wedge better.
The "gentle slope" appears more apparent - the ear set is higher - giving
him a different look.   I hate to use the word "harder" but that's what I
see.   Still beautiful (naturally he's my dog! hee hee), but he looks

The second handler had him more relaxed  - he's softer - doesn't look as
mature but that's the bloodline - ear set is correct.   It looks to me more
gentle, intelligent and majestic.

I guess what I am trying to say is that - we have to be careful of what we
comment on because unless we take the dogs and let them be in their natural
stance and go over them - we really can not tell if the dog's head is
incorrect - unless it really looks way off - protruding eye ridges - abrupt
stop.     Sometimes grooming does a disservice to the dog as well.    You
really need to have your hands on the dog.

Dianne Migas - NJ
732  477-2489

Have you hugged your Pyr today?