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[PyrNet-L] Fwd: CHAT: Vaccuum Cleaners

I think you can find them at your local Wal Mart

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Sender:       Great Pyrenees Discussion List <PYR-L@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM>
Poster:       Mitzi Potter <Pyrs-R-Us@POPLINE.COM>
Subject:      Re: CHAT: Vaccuum Cleaners

On Mon, 8 Jun 1998 08:08:39 -0400, Bob Mccleery wrote:

>Prior to any purhase of a vaccum cleaner I would check with a local vac shop
>and see what the warranties are on such products, some even include dog
>>One that does the same thing here is called the Phantom Vaccum

I've got 8 dogs, 4 cats and a 2 yr old. I NEED a vaccuum that has the
word "phantom" in it <g>. Do you know if places like Sears or Wards
sells them? I'm looking on the web right now but I haven't found
anything as of yet.
Mitzi Potter    OKC OK

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