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Re: [PyrNet-L] Rescued Dog Energy Level

On Tue, 09 Jun 1998 09:03:38 -0700, Scott Presnell wrote:

>His eyes are looking a little red, but not much has changed (still
>drooling, probably from the chipped tooth, and the overall stress
>of changing location).  He was breathing hard much of the early
>evening (while laying down), by this morning, he seemed pretty
>much OK, but still, he didn't "ask" to go for a walk.
>Can someone comment on the energy level of Pyrs in general,
>and maybe more specifically with the process of adjusting
>from the pound to a new household?
>How often does your pyr ask to be walked?

Scott, kennel cough doesn't usually make them *feel bad. If he gets
to coughing it usually sounds alot worse than it feels to the dog. I
have 4 Pyrs and their energy level is inherited for the most part.
Mine all come from the same kennel and they act exactly like you
describe. They'll dash out across the yard every once in awhile but
for the most part they're very slow and "lethargic" acting. When I
got my 1st Pyr pup I took him to the vet thinking he was sick. I had
never had a puppy so laid back! Mine will bark and bounce around when
someone pulls up in the drive or knocks on the door but if it's quiet
here at home and everyone's just going about their business you have
to step over them all the time. They're very alert and up ambling
around at night when everyone else is sleeping though. Mine don't
really "ask" to go outside. I've got so many dogs that they all seem
to go to the door at the same time when one of the Goldens walks over
to stand in front of the door to go out. The Pyrs just seem to want
to lay out under the trees and relax. Maybe you can get a general
idea of different temperments from the rest of the list but as far as
mine are concerned, they're basically couch 'taters.
Mitzi Potter    OKC OK