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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: Pyr that bit

> Lisa I think you have done a great job.  Some dogs are tormented and mentally
> ill equivalent.  No normal pyr would tear at the face of an 8 year old child
> and also inflict a second bite in the butt.  This is probably a very poorly
> bred animal with a genetic problem related to temperament.  Imagine a Pyr
> mistaking a 8 year old girl as a predator.  Hard to do!!  The answer is to
> stop all the irresponsible breeding.  Fat chance, right?  We must work against
> it and endure being called self serving, etc.

Thanks Joe, but, the more I read the more I realize this 8 year old is
very similar to my 13 year old nephew. My alpha bitch WILL growl at him
and he is the ONLY kid that she does this to. He has many problems with
aggression himself and has been suspended from school and finally
expelled for violence. Yes, sorry to say it was the way he was raised
but, since he was just here with my mom yesterday and she had the same
reaction, it makes me wonder about this kid. I have to lock her up when
he comes over.
