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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: Pyr that bit

> You know these dogs are very innately smart about these things.  There was a
> very humorous thread on another  list to the effect that all the daughters
> dates had to meet their Pyr and be "passed upon" by the Pyr before being
> allowed to date the daughter.  Those that the dog did not like did not date
> their daughter.  Sounds silly, but I can promise you that there is some
> validity in this.  Pyrs seem to know when there are problems with people.  I
> am sure not every time, but the trait is uncanny.  I think you should all
> wonder about this kid (the one your dog does not like)  as well.

My Pyrs also "interview" all the salesmen and puppy buyers that come to
the house<G>
> That's why a Pyr cannot ever be allowed to attack an child or infant.  These
> dogs are not right mentally and cannot be tolerated any further.

Where do we draw the line as to what is a child ?- an 8 year old now
days is more like the 13-14 year old of my day. Now days we have 8 year
olds commiting capital crime and carrying guns. 
