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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: Pyr that bit

In a message dated 98-06-11 12:44:42 EDT, you write:

<< Thanks Joe, but, the more I read the more I realize this 8 year old is
 very similar to my 13 year old nephew. My alpha bitch WILL growl at him
 and he is the ONLY kid that she does this to. He has many problems with
 aggression himself and has been suspended from school and finally
 expelled for violence. Yes, sorry to say it was the way he was raised
 but, since he was just here with my mom yesterday and she had the same
 reaction, it makes me wonder about this kid. I have to lock her up when
 he comes over.
 Lisa >>
You know these dogs are very innately smart about these things.  There was a
very humorous thread on another  list to the effect that all the daughters
dates had to meet their Pyr and be "passed upon" by the Pyr before being
allowed to date the daughter.  Those that the dog did not like did not date
their daughter.  Sounds silly, but I can promise you that there is some
validity in this.  Pyrs seem to know when there are problems with people.  I
am sure not every time, but the trait is uncanny.  I think you should all
wonder about this kid (the one your dog does not like)  as well. 

That's why a Pyr cannot ever be allowed to attack an child or infant.  These
dogs are not right mentally and cannot be tolerated any further.
