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Re: [PyrNet-L] Girl that was bit

In a message dated 98-06-12 23:51:39 EDT, you write:
MagEBroD wrote:
<<     This is different than abusing a dog! This is also different than
 > expelled from school for violence/anger. The analogy of the boy who got
 > expelled sounds more like the Pyrs inappropriate reaction and vicious
 > attack of an 8 yr.old to me!

Magic Moment wrote:
 <<Excuse me, you didn't read very well - My Pyr growls at the boy and has
 since he was 8 years old, This is my Nephew! and up until that point my
 bitch had never done such a thing to a kid. >>

MagEBroD explains:
   I do read very well. I have done it for a living! You misunderstood what I
I  was referring to the 8 yr. old girl bitten in face and needing 80 stitches
and then bitten on buttocks, and the Pyr that did the attack. I was not
referring to your dog and never meant that your dog attacked anyone! Your Pyr
is probably a real sweetheart!
   You had made a comparison of the victim to your nephew. I simply stated
that the attacking Pyr that attacked the 8 yr. old girl sounds more like your
nephew to me than this girl does. The girl was not violent or angry, whereas
the biting pyr was! The girl was just excited about seeing the Pyr!
   You keep referring to her as if she is violent or some criminal. You
mentioned "8-13 yr.olds out there committing murder and carrying weapons". Yet
it is totally unfair to put her in the same category as murderers and
criminals carrying weapons! This is getting ridiculous!  No one close to this
situation has described her in these ways at all!! She was not trying to
attack anyone. The Pyr is the one that did that! Being a bit rowdy and
excitable and rambunctious, does not mean you deserve to get attacked.
Janice Vocke